Channel: Glamour
Category: Entertainment
Tags: top financial goalwomen job roles incomebank account goalsfinancial goalsmoney goalswomen money2021 financial planssavings goalsglamour women moneypay off credit cardswomen of different salarieswomen different incomes glamourwomen incomeswomen of different incomeswomen jobs incomeglamour magazinedifferent women incomesglamour2021 financial goalstop financial goalsaccomplish financial goalsfinancial planswomen salarypay off debt
Description: We asked multiple women of different incomes the same question: What is your top financial goal that you want to accomplish before 2021 ends? Find out which women want to save up to $30,000 and who just wants to take a vacation. Still haven’t subscribed to Glamour on YouTube? ►► Women of Different Salaries: What's Your Top Financial Goal To Accomplish By End of 2021? | Glamour